"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

Bill Smith
Bill Smith is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Minot. Bill grew up in central Massachusetts. After coming to faith in Christ in the Summer of 1991, he began his teaching ministry by teaching 3-5 year-olds. In 2006, he left Horizon Christian Fellowship of San Diego and Horizon Christian Fellowship Fitchburg MA, to plant Calvary Chapel Minot. His radio show 'Here's the Truth Radio" can be heard daily on KFLK 95.9FM 'The Flock'!

Sandy Smith
Pastor's wife and Women's ministry director
Sandy grew up in England, and came to faith in Christ on the same morning as her husband Bill, in 1991. She has faithfully served alongside of her husband since that day, and serves as our Women's Ministry Director, with a special gift for mentoring younger women.

Jason (and Jana) Pranzo
Worship Leaders and radio manager
Shortly after coming to faith at Calvary Chapel Minot in December of 2009, Jason and Jana moved away from Minot, compliments of the United States Air Force. In 2020, they were again stationed at Minot Air Force Base, where Jason retired shortly thereafter! Today he leads worship at Calvary Chapel Minot and is the Station Manager of KFLK 95.9Fm 'The Flock', Calvary Chapel Minot's radio station!

Jake (and Tiffany) Fylling
Elder and Children's Ministry Director
After coming to faith through the ministry of KFLK, 95.9Fm 'The Flock', Calvary Chapel Minot's radio station, Jake and Tiffany became part of the body at Calvary Chapel Minot. Years later, they became our Children's Ministry Directors, and now, Jake also serves as an elder and board member of Calvary Chapel Minot!

Caleb Rodgers
Elder and Board Director
Having grown up in a godly family in North Dakota, Caleb has been a believer in Jesus Christ since he was a young child. He is gifted teacher, jack of all trades, insanely good mechanic, network administrator, KFLK voice talent, elder, and board member at Calvary Chapel Minot!

Chris (and Tabitha) Ashcraft
Chris and Tabitha have been part of Calvary Chapel Minot since 2012. Chris is currently serving full-time in the North Dakota Air National Guard, and has been serving with Tabitha for many years in Children's Ministries. Chris also serves as an elder, and security overseer at Calvary Chapel Minot, and Tabitha also serves as assistant bookkeeper.

Richard (and Val) Keeney
Having retired from the USAF in Minot, Richard serves at Calvary Chapel Minot as Head Usher and Deacon, and Val oversees 'Women of Wisdoom' (WOW), Calvary Chapel Minot's ministry to women in the golden years!

Chris (and Kim) Sutton
deacon and Marriage ministry
Chris and Kim have four children and have lived in the Minot area for many years where Chris retired from the USAF. Chris serves as a Deacon at Calvary Chapel Minot, where he and his wife Kim oversee Marriage Ministries.

Bill (and Amy) Nicholas
Deacon and Prayer Group leader
Bill is retired USAF, serves as a Deacon at Calvary Chapel Minot, and oversees our Thursday Night Prayer Group. He and Amy have been a part of Calvary Chapel Minot for over a decade, in fact Amy was part of the original Bible study that became Calvary Chapel Minot in 2006!

Dan (and Linda) Betz
Dan is retired USAF. He and Linda have been part of the Minot community for over 20 years! They have two sons and daughter. While Dan is a Deacon and Linda serves as part of our Children's Ministry, they serve in just about every capacity they can!