Calvary Chapel Minot Children's Ministry
The mission of Calvary Chapel Minot Children’s Ministry is to support parents as they “train their children in the way they should go,” (Proverbs 22:6) by providing meaningful opportunities for children to grow in their knowledge of the Lord and His Word. Our purpose is to encourage families in their relationships with Jesus Christ.
Sunday Mornings
General information regarding sunday classes:
Classes offered for children ages 0-10 (5th grade):
Nursery (ages 0-3)
PreK (ages 3-5)
K-2nd grade
3rd - 5th grade
Nursery (ages 0-3)
PreK (ages 3-5)
K-2nd grade
3rd - 5th grade
- All teachers at CCM are born-again Christians who have affirmed their agreement with the CCM Statement of Beliefs. They have all undergone a background check.
- Each classroom is furnished with a security camera which is monitored by a security member throughout the service.

Our nursery is filled with fun toys and caring adults to ensure that your youngest children are offered loving and safe care while you enjoy listening to the teaching. Newborn infants up to children age three are welcome to stay in the nursery. The decision to move your child up to the PreK class is made when you think your child is ready. Children are offered age-appropriate snacks (if they are able to feed themselves) and for those who are old enough, a short Bible lesson is also taught from the DiscipleLand curriculum. We do ask that if you are in the process of potty-training your child that you put them in training pants while they play in the nursery. New parents are always welcome to stay until they feel their child is comfortable in the nursery.
PRe-K (ages 3-5)
K - 2nd grade
3rd - 5th grade
The classes we offer each Sunday for kids PreK through 5th grade are all taught using the Answers Bible Curriculum from Answers in Genesis. The lessons use God's Word to help kids understand who God is and how we can see Jesus throughout the Bible. The Bible is our source of truth and children will be introduced to why we can trust God's Word as well as the numerous ways God shows His love for us through the pages of scripture.
While kids are not required to attend these classes during service, we encourage you to meet the teachers are learn more if you are unsure about sending them so that your child and you can both have an opportunity to be blessed and filled while at Calvary Chapel Minot. Please bring your child to the west office side of building after worship to find the right classroom and complete the New Family Information Form. Parents are always welcome to stay with their child if needed or until familiarity is established.
While kids are not required to attend these classes during service, we encourage you to meet the teachers are learn more if you are unsure about sending them so that your child and you can both have an opportunity to be blessed and filled while at Calvary Chapel Minot. Please bring your child to the west office side of building after worship to find the right classroom and complete the New Family Information Form. Parents are always welcome to stay with their child if needed or until familiarity is established.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
May 10, 2024 VBS at Calvary Chapel Minot
Keepers of the Kingdom Vacation Bible School will help equip kids to stand strong in the battle for truth. Excitement awaits as they learn what the Bible teaches about the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness and also be encouraged to seek the King of kings and his righteousness.
Summer recreation group
Moms and families from Calvary Chapel Minot meet once a week to fellowship and play. We visit a different park each week. Please contact Tiffany Fylling at 701-840-1251 or if you would like to join us!